Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tonight, Redemption is spelled H U T C H

Tonight, the unbridled beast will return to the kickball field.
Tonight, the other teams will tremble.
Tonight, they will need an extra ball after I split one in two.
Tonight, I will land on the field in a helicopter wearing helicopter shades.
We must win tonight. Let's win one for Sirinyay, who is leaving for LA.
Let's win one for our faithfully departed - Allie, Damian, Kyle, Heather, Suja, Andrea, the Hebrew Hammer, Sean, Rebecca, Adam Heller.
Let's harness the passion, skill and energy from our dominating flipcup night to a kickball win.
Let's put the league on notice that we will not let this aggression stand.
Let's argue every call with the referee.
Let's make fun of the other team for bunting.
Let's win.


DC Steve-O said...

Tonight we will shed our humble shells as mere kickballers, and show our true selves as heroes, warriors, Gods!

Sirinya said...

Adam Heller has not officially left the team yet. He's on the roster. And he swears he is coming sometime.