Thursday, June 7, 2007

Squashing victory 16-4

Old skool kickball.

Becki races off to first base!

For this, my last game of competitive adult kickball, the marking of the end of my DC era yuppiehood, my beloved team, "I Don't Roll on Shabbos" whooped ass on the competition, winning 16-4. (Granted the other team was way undermanned).

Victory was sweet and we played well. Liz Z scored not only one but two runs and Brighton scored one run. (There is great video of her jumping up and down for joy when she made it second base...) I don't even know who scored what. I lost track because I was having such a good time, even if I couldn't play because I had a minor concussion incurred from falling off my bike.

An aside - moments before the game started:
Captain Brian: Oh I thought you were joking when you said you were going off to get your head checked.
Me: [classic awkward; stares at him as though I were perfectly normal] Why would I joke about that?

Cyclone Dennis from nerd camp fame came out for this, my last kickball game. He rocked a t-shirt that was about six sizes too small and donned cleats. We went through a process of switching shirts with other teammates.

I'd really like to challenge the other teams we lost to horrendously to a rematch.

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