Monday, June 4, 2007

The league is now scared of us

The captain came to play last week. The ferocity of his kickball energy could only be matched by his team's reckless thrashing of the other team.
The league is now scared of us. We could be the greatest 1-3 team in kickball history.

We are going to win on Wednesday. We are going to beat them down worse than Brick Tamland during the news fight.


Becki Packer said...

there will be a horse, and a man on fire, and i may even stab a guy in the heart with a trident!

Katzilla said...

Now that Sirinyay is gone (sniff sniff) I will have to heckle for both of us. Beware all man-bunters. I will question the size and potency of your manhood at top volume, with creativity and flair!