Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Philosophy

We have received some comments about our post making fun of another teams costumes. I will get to that in a second, but I need to go over something first.

When Sirinyay Tritipeskul first approached me to join kickball, I responded with the following email.


Not only will I join your kickball team, I will be your biggest superstar. Kickball combines the three things I love most in the world:

1. Beer
2. Competition
3. Women


I play kickball for these three reasons only and don't understand what other people's motivations are for playing. That is why I teased the other team for wearing costumes. I feel that kickball is the greatest game in the world because of the friends you make in the league over marathon flipcup games listening to Total Eclipse of the Heart and the "enemies" you make while trash talking.

What everyone needs to know is that I really don't take it seriously. I am allowed to tease you for wearing a costume and you can make fun of me for slipping on my ass after hitting a home run or knocking over the 1st baseman. I am making fun of myself when I act like I'm taking it seriously. I dont hate people in the league, I like that they are there to provide strong competition.


Sirinya said...

Dear Hutch,
I HEART you!!!!!

Becki Packer said...

I, too, would like to apologize for any comments I made that other people found offensive. You can call me names if that makes you feel better, also.